Enterprise Architecture

The Enterprise Architecture Standards are the result of years of international academic research and industry expert consensus on repeatable patterns that can be reused and replicated. The Enterprise Architecture Standards are packaged as ‘Reference Content’, and is both agnostic and vendor neutral. They have been specifically designed to be fully tailored to and implemented by any organization, both large and small, regardless of its various frameworks, methods, approaches, products, services and activities.

The Enterprise Architecture Standards are developed in the following ways:

  • Research and analyze what works – again and again (Best Practices) – and discover the unique aspects applied by leading organizations (Leading Practices).
  • Identify common and repeatable patterns which provide the basis for the Enterprise Standards.
  • Develop ‘Reference Content’ that increase the level of reusability and replication within the disciplines of Enterprise Modelling, Enterprise Engineering and Enterprise Architecture.
  • Extend with performance and value accelerators with unique aspects from the identified Best Practices and Leading Practices.

The Enterprise Architecture Standards consist of 26 different ‘Reference Content’ areas that are fully integrated with other frameworks, methods and approaches, such as TOGAF, META, FEAF, etc. This ensures full integration and standardization when applying the reference content into your organization, programs and/or projects, thereby having the ability to use our reference content across topics like strategy, capabilities, roles, and process, service and value aspects and technology as well as operational execution between them, creating a cross link throughout the Business, Information, and Technology layers.

All LEADing Practice Enterprise Standards are also marked and protected with the official ((O))LEAD Trademark registered in the US and EU. See the following image of the ((O))LEAD Trademark.

LEADing Practice - LEAD Trademark

Enterprise Architecture Reference Content

Reference Content Name Reference Content ID#
Layered Enterprise Architecture LEAD-ES40001ALL
Business Architecture LEAD-ES40002PGBCPSI
Value Architecture LEAD-ES40003PG
Process Architecture LEAD-ES40004BP
Service-Oriented Architecture LEAD-ES40005BS
Application Architecture LEAD-ES40006SAID
Information Architecture LEAD-ES40007BCSAD
Data Architecture LEAD-ES40008SAI
Platform Architecture LEAD-ES40009PL
Infrastructure Architecture LEAD-ES40010IL
Governance LEAD-ES40011GO
Security Architecture LEAD-ES40012CS
Cloud Architecture LEAD-ES40013CC
Agile Enterprise Architecture LEAD-ES40014ALL
Technology Architecture LEAD-ES40015PLIN
Composite Architecture LEAD-ES40016ALL
Workplace Architecture LEAD-ES40017ALL
Zero Trust Architecture LEAD-ES40018ADPLIN
Serverless Architecture LEAD-ES40019ADPLIN
Microservices Architecture LEAD-ES40020ADPLIN
Containerized Architecture LEAD-ES40021ADPLIN
Green IT Architecture LEAD-ES40022ALL
Circular IT Architecture LEAD-ES40023ALL
Resilient Systems Architecture LEAD-ES40024ADPLIN
Scalable Systems Architecture LEAD-ES40025ADPLIN
Chaos Engineering Architecture LEAD-ES40026ADPLIN


Get access to our Enterprise Standards to Drive Performance, Minimize Cost and Maximize Value.

Enterprise Engineering, Modelling and Architecture

With our extensive and powerful database of performance and value accelerators already embedded within the reference content, any organization can benefit from our proven record and experiences gained from both Best and Leading Practices that our Enterprise Standards are based on.

This makes it easier, less time consuming and much cheaper to apply object descriptions, relations and rules to enable Enterprise Engineering, Enterprise Modelling and Enterprise Architecture across organizational departments, programs and projects.