Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program

Today, every business and industry is affected by the need to think about and becoming more sustainable. We would therefore like to invite you to come and participate in our Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program.

The Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program are designed as intensive workshops that are tailored to help you identity new opportunities to transform your organization towards more sustainable enterprise operations.

The workshops explores the potentials of sustainability, and the current challenges and opportunities that companies are facing in the area of environmental and production sustainability. They begin with an introduction to what sustainability is all about and why you should care, and with a particular focus on why environmental sustainability is so relevant for organizations on todays global markets.

The workshops work on your practical challenges, and includes an implementation approach to help concur these challenges, and are always designed to your specific situation, possibilities as well as needs and wants. We also help your organization to define the competitive opportunities around becoming a sustainable enterprise.

You can download our 1-page PDF brochure of the program here.

Economic, Social & Environment Sustainability

In the Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program, the following aspects will be covered in detail:

  • Identify sustainability stakeholders and drivers.
  • Develop a sustainability business case.
  • Identify unsustainable consumption/consumer behaviour.
  • Carry out market research on sustainable product design.
  • Develop sustainable value chains and communications.

The overall purpose of the Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program is to get greater impact from the sustainability efforts of the organization. This will be done by working out sustainable strategies, value drivers and performance measures as well as to define an Enterprise Sustainability roadmap.

The Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp

Sustainability Program

We help you define your own Enterprise Sustainability Program, and agree on a common language and initiatives. Upon successful completion of the workshops, you will be able to:

  • Realize different sustainability drivers.
  • Understand the importance of sustainability for business.
  • Identify sustainability strategies and objectives.
  • Learn about specific topics such as consumer behavior, market research, product design, value chains and communications using the sustainability lens from a business environment perspective.
  • Learn about sustainable business practices.
  • Identify and/or develop sustainability KPIs.
  • Create sustainability programs and projects.
  • Identify culture change needs.
  • Design solutions and develop enterprise plans for sustainable business initiatives.
  • Apply the bottom-up approach for sustainable business initiatives in any context.
  • Learn about sustainability and consumption.

Building the right Enterprise Sustainability roadmap is the key to success. In the Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program, you learn how to define and sharpen your Enterprise Sustainability Vision and Strategy, identify performance and value drivers, and develop programs and projects fit for your organization as well as the potential changes this brings to the enterprise’s way of working. Building the Enterprise Sustainability roadmap is therefore the first critical step in any Blockchain project.

Our Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program is a program which is specifically tailored to each company and its team of participants, and can be designed around the following topics:

  • What can you learn from other Enterprise Sustainability initiatives: Best practice in what others have done, what works and what doesn’t work: 1-2 days (depending on whether it is done in combination with any of the other points below).
  • Creation or refinement of an Enterprise Sustainability Vision (including the main goals and objectives): 2-3 days.
  • The development of an Enterprise Sustainability Strategy (including the strategic goals and objectives): 2-3 days.
  • Potential performance and value gains (identification of performance and value drivers): 3-4 days.
  • The needed Enterprise Sustainability programs and projects (identification of business processes and services): 3-4 days.
  • The development of a complete Enterprise Sustainability.

Examples of specific Enterprise Sustainability workshops:

  • Develop a Enterprise Sustainability Vision & Strategy.
  • Identification of performance and value drivers.
  • Rethinking the enterprise landscape from an Enterprise Sustainability
  • Enterprise Sustainability and digitalization.
  • The Digital Agenda around an Enterprise Sustainability program.

The Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program is offered at different lengths of education and training, and is certified and designed by the Global University Alliance.

Learn, Apply & Impact

The Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program provides executives and their team with a practical hands-on workshop setting to explore the latest thinking, standards and patterns of Enterprise Sustainability leaders, and immediately applies new skills to their own Enterprise Sustainability program. We also build cross-functional skills to solve complex problems, create opportunities, and make a powerful impact consistently by responding to evolving leadership challenges and exposing them to the latest groundbreaking ideas and techniques.

We offer a unique blend of classroom training, access to relevant academic research and standards, and we top it off with Individual Performance Coaching that ensures competencies and measurable impact go beyond the classroom. The workshop introduces a comprehensive guide through the different steps of the roadmap development process – from ideation to implementation.

  • Learn what other companies that uses Enterprise Sustainability have done.
  • Find out what you can do with Enterprise Sustainability.
  • Define your Enterprise Sustainability vision and strategy.
  • Decide and choose what to start with.
  • Develop your own Enterprise Sustainability Roadmap.

All participants will be actively engaged with applying repeatable standards, i.e.:

  1. Enterprise Sustainability Best Practices (what works); and
  2. Enterprise Sustainability Leading Practices (patterns of outperformers).

Important to note is that the Enterprise Sustainability Boot Camp Program requires input from interested parties as the programs are tailed to each individual, team or organization and is customized with planned dates and location. Travel and accommodations is not included.

To request a customized or closed program, or if you have questions about registration or multi-attendee discounts, please contact us.

The Enterprise Sustainability Workshops can tailored to your needs and wants. The most common setup/concepts is applied below. Please note that the workshop registration fee covers tuition, handouts, case materials, conference facilities. It doesn’t include VAT, your transport or your hotel.

We have 5 different workshops for the program, and they can be reviewed in this table:

Level Workshop Type Days Course Cost
5 Sophisticated 3×5 (+3d prep & 3d after work) Project teaching & coaching – 150K Euro
4 Advanced 2×5 (+2d prep & 2d after work) Project teaching & coaching – 110K Euro
3 Progressive 5 d (+1d prep & 1d after work) Closed course 60K Euro
2 Foundational 3 d (+1d prep & 1d after work) Closed course 45K Euro
1 Basic 2 days Closed course 25K Euro

Who Should Attend

The program is designed for corporate enterprises, NGOs and governments and sustainability responsible executives and managers who are considering, rethinking or shaping a Sustainability concept.