
Our webinars (thought leaders) bring together international, forward-looking business people, thought leaders and academics to share the latest practical insight on how our standards are applied to provide solutions for todays Business & IT challenges.

We have 3 dedicated webinar series:

  1. Outperformer Study: Webinars that focus on studies about what leading organizations have done in order to best solve the challenges they’re facing within their industries.
  2. Thought Leaders: Webinars that focus on specific case stories, patterns of success and lessons learned by companies, governments and NGOs around the world.
  3. Hot Topics: Webinars that focus on how academics (researchers and lecturers) as well as industry professionals (subject matter experts) use standards and reference content to tackle the challenges in their academic research area and/or industry business and IT challenge(s).

In collaboration with both academics, industry experts and thought leaders around the world, our webinars cover a wide range of industry, business and IT topics as well as academic research and challenges.

Thought Leaders

Keynote: Trends Verstehen, Cloud sollte Teil jeder erfolgreichen digitalen Transformationsreise sein

Falk Alexander Schmidt

Als Chief Digital Officer & Unit Direktor Digital Government für den öffentlichen Sektor hat sich Falk vor allem durch mit seinem Expertenwissen in eGovernment-Lösungen und öffentlichen Digitalisierungsprojekten, Konsolidierung der öffentlichen IT und Entwicklung von Cloud-Lösungen einen Namen gemacht. Hinzu kommt auch dass er ein zertifizierter LEAD Business Analyst ist.

Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensarchitektur im öffentlichen DienstInformationsveranstaltung

Ivailo Tsvetkov, Landesamt für Steuern

Ivailo Tsvetkov ist ein erfahrener Unternehmensarchitekt, Experte für Unternehmensarchitektur und Unternehmenstransformation und Vordenker in diesen Bereichen. Heute bringt er seine jahrelange Erfahrung in der Planung und Steuerung der Einführung und Etablierung von Enterprise Architektur Management nach LEADing Practice Standards für das Landesamt für Steuern. Hier teilt er sein Wissen, wie eine komplexe Transformation im öffentlichen Dienst erfolgreich angegangen werden kann, um die gewünschten Ergebnisse zu produzieren.

Strategische Überlegung: Warum scheitern die meisten Organisationen bei ihrer Cloud Umsetzung, und ihrer digitalen Transformation? Was können wir daraus lernen und es richtig machen?

Christian Strauer, Deutsche Leasing

Christian Strauer ist erfahrener IT- und Unternehmensarchitekt. Sein thematischer Schwerpunkt ist die Verknüpfung von Geschäftszielen und IT sowie die hiermit häufig einhergehende Cloud Transformation. Im Rahmen dieser Konferenz wird er aufzeigen, wie man Fähigkeiten auf Unternehmens- und IT-Ebene sinnvoll mit Cloud Modellen verknüpfen kann und wie die Nutzung unterschiedlicher Praktiken in diesem Kontext hilft hilft, ein Outperformer zu werden.

Podiumsdiskussion: Cloud im öffentlichen Dienst

Moderator: Georg Etzel, LEADing Practice

Panelist 1: Harald Spiegel, Experte aus der Bundesverwaltung

Panelist 2: Ivailo Tsvetkov, Landesamt für Steuern

Panelist 3: Markus Grau, Pure Storage

Panelist 4: Thomas Eberhard, digital@M GmbH

Executive Roundtable Discussion

Executive Roundtable Discussion on the Importance of Digitalization.

Moderator: Prof. Mark Von Rosing, Chairman, Global University Alliance

Roundtable Panelists:

  1. George Etzel, Chairman, Leading Practice
  2. Jamie Caine, Senior Lecturer – Information Systems and Business Modelling, Sheffiel Hallam University
  3. Vikram Kumar, General Manager Europe, Middle East & Africa, OnRobot A/S

Enabling Change Through Innovation & Transformation

Presented by Jamie Caine, Senior Lecturer – Information Systems and Business Modelling, Sheffield Hallam University

Thought leader Jamie Caine takes us on a journey of how to enable change through innovation and transformation initiatives.

4.0 Smart Governance

By Dr. Sumaya Kagoya, Lecturer – Smart Governments, Makarere University Business School

Presented by Jamie Caine, Senior Lecturer – Information Systems and Business Modelling, Sheffield Hallam University

Thought leader Jamie Caine takes us on – behalf of Dr. Sumaya Kagoya –  on a journey through how 4.0 Smart Governance can be applied to government organizations.

Digital Twin E+

Presented by Ulrik Foldager, Head of Enterprise Modelling, LEADing Practice

Thought leader Ulrik Foldager takes us through a journey of how to use EnterprisePLUS (E+) to execute and document digital twins of organizations.

Transforming the Digital Workspace

Presented by Oluwasuen Iyiola, Certified Cloud Analyst, Sheffield Hallam University

Throught leader Oluwasuen Iyiola takes us on a journey through how organizations can change their digital workspace.

Radical Innovation in Aviation Industry Use Case

Presented by Dominik Dietrich, LEAD Innovation Analyst

A thought leader discusses how to apply digital transformation and innovation in Data Warehousing and Analytic in Azure.

Healthcare Innovation and Transfomation Use Case

Presented by Anna-Maria Sperber, LEAD Innovation & Transformation Analyst

A thought leader presents her findings with applying digital transformation and innovation in Quality Assurance and Population Health Management for Healthcare.

City of Munich Case Story German Part 1

Interview with the City of Munich Part 1.

City of Munich Case Story German Part 2

Interview with the City of Munich Part 2.

Knowledge sharing around Digital Workplace Analysis

Presented by Ken Teske, LEAD Workplace Analyst

Ken takes us through his presentation on the topic of the “Knowledge sharing around Digital Workplace Analysis”.

Workplace & Security

Presented by Patrick Guerin, LEAD Workplace Analyst, LEADing Practice Partner

A thought leader insight into how to go about workplace and security challenges.

Workplace Standardization

Presented by Mathias Dorn, LEAD Workplace Analyst

A workplace thought leader shares with us how organizations could go about Workplace Standardization.

Improving your Workplace Processes

Presented by Stefan Irnich, LEAD Workplace Analyst

Most organizations around the world are considering how to go about optimizing as well as improving and rethinking the workplace processes. Stefan is sharing with us as a thought leader on how organizations could go about “Improving Workplace Processes”.

Workplace & Manufacturing

Presented by Sebastian Golla, LEAD Workplace Analyst

A thought leader takes us through his presentation on exploiting the workplace for increased manufacturing quality.

Azure and AWS Cloud Architecture Integration with Supply Chain and Track & Trace

Presented by Robert Rosas, LEAD Cloud Analyst

A thought leader takes us through how to undertake an analysis of an existing Hybrid Cloud Architecture, and how LEADing Practice Standards can be used to help with the integration of the Azure Cloud Architecture and AWS (Amazon Web Services) Cloud Architecture for the Supply Chain and Track & Trace organizational area.

Hybrid Cloud Architecture integration with Azure and AWS Cloud Architecture

Presented by Gregory Robinson, LEAD Cloud Analyst

A thought leader takes us through how to undertake an analysis of an existing Hybrid Cloud Architecture, and how LEADing Practice Standards can be used to help with the integration of the Azure Cloud Architecture and AWS (Amazon Web Services) Cloud Architecture.

Cloud Orchestration for the Hybrid Cloud Architecture

Presented by Seun Iyiola, LEAD Cloud Analyst

A thought leader takes us through her presentation on how to effectively manage your Cloud Orchestration for a better Hybrid Cloud Architecture.

Hybrid Cloud Architecture integration with Azure and AWS Cloud Architecture

Presented by Peter Hönigschmid, LEAD Cloud Analyst

A thought leader takes us through how to undertake an analysis of an existing Hybrid Cloud Architecture, and how LEADing Practice Standards can be used to help with the integration of the Azure Cloud Architecture and AWS (Amazon Web Services) Cloud Architecture.

SAL Heavy Lift Case Story

Presented by Paul Okpurughre

Discover the real-life case of how SAL Heavy Lift, the world’s leading carrier specialized in sea transport of heavy lift and project cargo, transformed their organization by linking strategy to their business model and operating model.

We will be privileged to hear from Paul Okpurughre, who was honored with the Modeller of the Year award at the LEADing Practice Conference in Canada. The Modeller of the Year award is given out on special occasions to a practitioner with an extraordinary ability to model and discover relationships of objects not seen before.